You probably arrived at this page from clicking on a link in my Instagram or Facebook profile. You therefore know already that painting is my biggest leisure activity. I specialise in sketching in sketch-books rather than producing finished paintings ready for framing. I am a member of my local art club and take part in sketching walks when the opportunity arises.
You can read about the background to some of my paintings by going to the home page of this website.
Click to see my Instagram painting and drawing collection @tom_cunliffe_art
Click to see my Instagram photo collection @tom_cunliffe_photos
I have a YouTube channel here
I am a practicing Christian and a member of my local Baptist Church and before that was a member of the Society of Friends (Quakers) having been an active member of Guildford Quaker Meeting for several years. I have written an article about how my faith-journey started here. I write occasional book reviews and am an admirer of the German writer (now deceased), W G Sebald. My review of his great book Austerlitz can be found here.